Contact Center

AiCon extensive expertise spans various sectors, including Customer Engagement and Fulfillment, Fintech, Geospatial AI, and Corporate AI Security. 

AiCon’s Service-AI Engines.

Our Practice Leaders have successfully Designed and Deployed AI Service Assistants for Enterprise Organizations that have drive down costs 20% to 60%, Doubled agent productivity while improving overall Customer Satisfaction

Key Applications we can help you build and support for your business


Targeted at your Customer Service Organizations, uur AI Service Assistants can drive down costs 20% to 60% while improving customer satisfaction to over 90%. Your Agents using AI partners and triage to solve problems twice as fast


AI-Enhanced Sales Support empower your agents with a custom AI assistant, seamlessly connecting them to real-time information and to your CRM systems. Our AI solutions can provide real-time case assistance, recommendations, suggested scripts, Sophisticated AI Coaching that can leverage your agent performance data and customer analytics


Support AI focuses on building AI Service Assistants that are trained to solve complex technical issues have proven to be able to work with even the most challenging knowledge domains to drive 2X or 3X agent productivity and cut resolutions times by more than 50%.

Call Deflection accuracy
0 %
Customer Satisfaction
0 %

AiCon’s Companion AI Assistants.

 Aicon’s AI solutions not only provide customers the ultimate self-service solutions.  Our Industry recognized practice leaders have created some of the most advanced Agent companions propelled by Generative AI.  Both Customers and your Agents can swiftly and effectively address their concerns or get assistance managing their workloads leveraging our AI powered Chat Bots on Embedded, Web, and Mobile platforms.

Our Practice Leaders have reduced Resolution times by 200% for Fortune 100 companies across the globe

Our AI Assist solutions Engage-AI ,Care-AI ,Support-AI not only enhances customer satisfaction but also contributes to a significant reduction in agent workloads and operational costs.

Aicon’s Practice Leaders can help you leverage the power of Generative AI, delivering efficient self-service experiences, that meets the shifting demands of customers while optimizing overall operational costs.

Deflect, Contain and Resolve more cases across every Industry.

Our Practice Leaders deep domain knowledge in Transportation, Telecommunications, Utilities, Public Health, Safety, Commercial and Financial Markets and can help improve your contact-center operations thru AI enabled solutions in every vertical

Re-Inventing The World Of Contact Centers.

AI Assist Virtual Companions

Greatly Reduce Resolution times with AI Assist solutions for your agents Engage-AI ,Care-AI ,Support-AI

AI Enabled WFM

Enhance the accuracy of your WFM (workforce management) with AI automated scheduling and adherence monitoring and tracking

AI Enabled CTI Routing

AI enable CTI Routing means less forms for customers to fill out and more time helping them solve their cases

AI Assist Virtual Companions

Greatly Reduce Resolution times with AI Assist solutions for your agents Engage-AI ,Care-AI ,Support-AI

AI Enabled WFM

Enhance the accuracy of your WFM (workforce management) with AI automated scheduling and adherence monitoring and tracking

AI Enabled CTI Routing

AI enable CTI Routing means less forms for customers to fill out and more time helping them solve their cases

24X7 Global & Multi-Lingual

Our AI Bots have been deployed in over 80 countries and in 22 languages 24x7 support AI availability regardless of your geography and time zone challenges

AI Contact Center Insights

AiCon’s AI enabled Contact-Center Analytics from real-time threshold alerts to historical trend analysis lets your business make decisions faster

Web, Mobile & Embedded

Our Practice Leaders have released successful AI solutions on Web, Embedded and IOS and Android Smartphone platforms

24X7 Global & Multi-Lingual

Our AI Bots have been deployed in over 80 countries and in 22 languages 24x7 support AI availability regardless of your geography and time zone challenges

AI Contact Center Insights

AiCon’s AI enabled Contact-Center Analytics from real-time threshold alerts to historical trend analysis lets your business make decisions faster

Web, Mobile & Embedded

Our Practice Leaders have released successful AI solutions on Web, Embedded and IOS and Android Smartphone platforms

Unlock unprecedented improvements in Speed and Scalability.

Liberate your team from mundane, time-consuming tasks and propel productivity to new heights.

AI Omni-Platform Support

From Web, Desktop and Mobile to embedded platforms Aicon has experience on all client types

AI Solution search & coaching

provide real-time case assistance, recommendations, suggested scripts, and Sophisticated AI Coaching

AI Companion Training

Our AI companion Assistants can also accelerate your agent learning curve and greatly improve training efficiency

AI CX Insights

Our AI solutions can be configured to consume vast amounts of customer data saving your time best used to act, rather than analyse

AI enable your IVR/ARS

Traditional IVRs have not improved in decades, Our industry leads can integrate AI capabilities into your existing IVR solutions

INSIDE AiCon’s Service-AI Engines.

(Engage-AI), (Care-AI), (Support-AI) Power your Business Growth.

Rational Fencing

AiCon’s process designed to keep your AI solutions from perceiving patterns or objects that are nonexistent to help avoiding creating outputs that are nonsensical or inaccurate

Heuristic Interpolation

AiCon’s methodology ensuring that answers to even the most complex subject matters and questions are constantly tuned to greater degrees of accuracy

Neural Network Design & Modeling

Let us help you design a bespoke model unique to your organization’s business needs.


AiCon’s Proprietary process can help you augment, alter and preserve your organization’s unique culture and values into an AI data schematic regardless of density so what you build today can used as a foundation for tomorrow

AiCon’s AI Capabilities.

Discover the transformative impact of Aicon’s AI capabilities in Super Charging your team’s Productivity